Remember to be grateful…

Remember to be grateful…

because I know sometimes in this rushed world we live in we don’t always take the time to stop and be thankful for the good things we have.  This morning, for example, I woke up, was super groggy, desperately needed coffee, and had to rush to let my dogs out and then get to work.  The sun was starting to come up and as soon as I stepped outside to walk the pups (pics of the fur babies below) I looked up and saw that the sky was this amazing shade of pink.   I instantly smiled, felt more awake and calm and was very grateful for such a beautiful morning to start off this new week.

It is little things like a beautiful sunrise that I am making more of an effort to appreciate and absorb these days.  This past year has been very transformative for me. I started out back in February really just wanting to transform my body.  I was unhappy in my own skin and knew I needed to do better for both my physical and mental well being.  What I did not plan on, was how much of a total life transformation I was about to embark on.  Getting in better physical shape I knew would lead to a decrease in my anxiety and the twinge of depression I was starting to feel.  Exercise is an amazing tool that can very often aid in getting some of these mental issues a bit more under control.  I myself can see and feel a distinct correlation between my mental health when I am consistently exercising and when I am not.  What I did not anticipate is how much emotionally and spirituality this process would impact me.

Now just a little background on me, I am not a religious person in the sense that I do not go to services routinely or really even identify as a specific religious designation.  I do, however, believe in a higher power and try to live my life with virtue and the understanding that what we put out into the universe generally comes back to us in some way.  I genuinely believe we are a small part of something much bigger than ourselves and stopping to be thankful for even the tiniest of things around us can keep us grounded and connected to the universe in a positive way.  I am even more connected with this idea now that I have been on this health and wellness journey in part I think because I have become so much more in tune with my own body.  It really is amazing that with a little bit of self care your body can respond in ways that can really change your whole life.  I have become extremely grateful for how my own body has responded and that much more aware how miserable I was making it by not eating correctly or putting in the effort to stay in shape.

I want to put the best version of myself out there in the universe as much as I possibly can and that starts with taking care of my mental and physical health first.  I am so thankful now to be able to wake up every morning and feel good about the person staring back at me in the mirror.  I hadn’t even realized to what extent before this journey I had started avoiding mirrors, wearing baggier clothes and just generally feeling blah not only about myself but just everything.  Back then, I looked for reasons to be upset and down and when I found them I fixated on them so as to have an excuse to feel sorry for myself. I almost purposely ignored the beautiful things around me that this life has to offer.  It was like I was seeing the world in this gray hue where happiness wasn’t something I felt like I was meant to have.

Now that I am out of that funk it’s really like the world is bright again.   I am filled with motivation each day to try to be the best version of me and that is a priceless gift that I was able to give myself by just making one choice to get back in shape.  A few more things I am particularly grateful for today:

  • My family who is 100% supportive of me always
  • My pups who are always happy to see me and give me unconditional love
  • Friends who always have my back
  • Strong Coffee (in the morning especially!)
  • Sunrises and Sunsets
  • A good mascara (ok that one was a bit superficial but it makes all the difference in the world to someone who has really short, light lashes like I do!)
  • A good group of co-workers who make challenging weeks at work a little easier
  • The good health everyone in my life!

I now try each day to remember all the big and little things there are to be grateful for.  This journey I am on is a BIG one for me and I do not for one second take it for granted.  I am grateful I took control of my life when I did and made a commitment to myself to be better. I am grateful my body has allowed me to push it and fight for it and I am grateful for how incredibly it has responded not only on the outside but on the inside as well.  I am stronger, happier, more capable, and surely more determined than ever before.  In the wise words of Willie Nelson…”When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around”.

Have a great week y’all!



18 thoughts on “Remember to be grateful…

  1. Beth,

    Thanks for sharing a part of your journey. The blessings we have are new each day, we just have to choose to recognize them as you are now doing. Great reminder for all us to count our many blessings. Take care.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great observations, these. Dogs help us to recognize what is really important in life- companionship, a good body rub, and a loyal friend, nuzzling at the end of a long day. I am living in a place where it is easy to slow down and just enjoy my surroundings. No dogs allowed, in this apartment, but good friends and co-workers abound, otherwise.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Beth,

    such a beautfiul reflection. I read myself many times in your text , that is it important to be grateful for every day we are able to spent on this planet. That we are healthy, we have a mind (even if we sometimes dont understand it :D) and the people/nature/animals around us. Sice I am becoming more and more aware of those little things and dont let myself controlled by temporary emotions or conditions, I almost walk constatnly with a soft smile through life.

    Thank you for that reminder and have a wonderful day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Beth oh the struggle is so real with pasta. We try do do zoodles (zucchini noodles here and there) to balance it out. Our 4th babe is now 7 months and we still nurse and even thought I am back at pre pregnancy weight, I still have the need to ensure I fit in work outs early morning or late night to feel like I burned off those carbs I consumed prior. Life sure is a journey of balance. Thanks for sharing and coming from a fellow Type A personality, we must do our best to appreciate these unexpected moments even breaking the bed to bring us back to balance 😄.


  5. Reblogged this on Vakundi and commented:
    (Kusatenda huroyi) is a Zimbabwean proverb likening one who is ungrateful to one who practices witchcraft. The first victim to such witchcraft is self. A happy organisation is characterized by individuals and groups who in their perpetual voluntary and involuntary interactions are optimistic and inevitably seek to express gratitude towards each other.

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