Working through the holidaze…

Working through the holidaze…

I don’t know if anyone else can relate but this holiday season has felt really different for me than previous ones.  It has been nagging at me since Thanksgiving as to what exactly was going on with me because normally I love this time of year with all the gift giving, family time and of course the amazing holiday food.  This year however, I have felt, well off.  Partly I’m sure this has to do with the fact that I was travelling for almost ten days then got back and was immediately sidelined with bronchitis for another week but even now that I am most of the way back to normal I still feel a bit off.

I was sitting at my desk this morning and it dawned on me what the culprit might be…I am out of my routine! I had settled into a really nice, sustainable fitness and healthy eating regimen that was working really well for me and then the holidays hit and my routine has gone out the window.  With all the holiday meals, parties, travels, running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get all the last minute presents bought and wrapped I have been pushed out of my comfort zone and had it has left me feeling a bit anxious.

Having figured out what the cause of my uneasiness is, my next thought was how do I remedy this?  My first inclination is I just need to stop being so rigid and calm the “f&%$” down lol!  I know I have come to a point in my journey that nothing will distract me from keeping my goals in sight and working as hard as I can to achieve them.  I also logically realize a week or two where I am not as strictly following my routine as I had been will not negate all the progress I have made over the past year.  And finally, I know once this holiday season passes I will fall right back into my oh so comfy routine and be right back on track!

Other than just talking myself off the ledge, I also thought a good way to re-focus my energy from being anxious to something more positive would be to set some goals for 2019.  I don’t necessary want to call these resolutions, even though it’s that time of year, because the word resolution doesn’t sound serious enough to me.  I myself have made New Years resolutions and within only a few weeks had abandoned or just plain forgotten about them.  In fact, in looking into this topic, I came across a statistic that said only 8% of people actually follow through with their resolutions! 😮  So instead of resolutions, here are a few of my top goals for 2019:

  • Get certified! 📘- I have thought about perusing a Health Coach certification for several months now and I have finally decided I just need to go for it!  I have really enjoyed learning, sharing and getting feedback on my personal health journey from all of you and have been wanting to take it a step further.  I would really like to continue to learn more about health and fitness and in turn be able to help other people with their own journeys in a more educated and responsible way.  It is something I discovered I have a passion for and what better way to give back then to help people feel their best and live their best lives!
  • Eat whole -er! 🥗🍍  While I have made large strides in the nutrition department, I am still a lazy eater!  I have never been much of a cook, and I still struggle with just reaching for whatever is convenient or on hand when I am hungry.  With the addition of the super-food shake to my everyday diet, I get all the nutrients I need first thing every morning so I have been slacking off the rest of the day.  I need to make more of an effort to keep only whole, fresh foods stocked at home and at work so I am not tempted to reach for the packaged goods that seem to be lying around everywhere!
  • Incorporate personal development into each day! ✍ I started doing this pretty regularly earlier this year but have been slacking on it majorly in the past couple months.  I need to make more of an effort to continue to learn, grow and challenge myself.  I was doing a lot of reading of really great books that were inspiring and motivating like “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey, “Girl Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis and “You are a Badass – How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Living an Awesome Life” by Jen Sincero.  I always feel so much more motivated and fulfilled when I take time to do PD I just need to make it a priority again like working out and eating healthier.  10 minutes a day, every day is the goal!
  • Run more races!  🏃‍♀️  I completed 3 races in 2018 so my goal for 2019 is to complete 6 this year! I have already signed up for my first mud run that will take place in April but I want to get some more and potentially longer ones on the books soon so I have training deadlines to work towards.  I have fallen so in love with strength and weight training over this past year that I need to also keep my endurance goals in sight.  Getting those ribbons and/or medals at the end of each race is so much fun!  I am hoping to acquire quite a collection in the future!
  • Get my cholesterol down!! ❤  This is a big one for me!  I found out during my last physical a couple months ago that my cholesterol was a bit high.  Now I have had high cholesterol on and off since I was a child so I think genetics are partly to blame here but no matter the cause it is something I want to work on bringing down naturally.  The last thing I want to do is end up on medication to lower it so I have been doing a lot of research on the best foods to eat, the ones to avoid and other vitamins and supplements that can help in bring it back down to a normal level.  Going to get re-checked in 6 months….fingers crossed!

So those are some of my big goals for 2019….I would love to hear some of yours??!!   I am really excited to see what 2019 has in store because I have no plans on slowing down or backing off.  See below for my transformation over this past year….lets make this next year one that we not only hit our goals but crush them! Here’s to an outrageously happy and healthy new year!🍾✨💙




52 thoughts on “Working through the holidaze…

  1. Damn, that’s one hell of a transformation! I need to get my butt in gear regarding food. That’s my weakness. Also, anything by Jen Sincero is fantastic. Just the intro to the “badass at making money” book was enough to kick me into gear!

    Do you have any posts about lowering cholesterol? I too have been blessed with genetics causing some problems.

    XO Steph

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for reading! I haven’t posted anything about cholesterol but that’s a great idea for the next post…

      “Badass at Making Money” is the next book on my list to get! Looking forward to diving into it…she is fantastic!

      Hope you have a healthy and happy New Year!!😊✨



  2. Some great insights into feeling “off” during the holidays. You are absolutely right….I have the same feelings whenever my normal routine is thrown off. Knowing that you are feeling this way because your routine is off means that you are in tune with your body and that is powerful. You need to be in tune and in control of your body to make the changes you have….congrats!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t speak to health coach certifications, but I am an ACE certified personal trainer. If you’re interested in training people in the gym, ACE may be the easiest way to get certified, but the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) from the National Strength and Conditioning Association seems to be the industry’s gold standard, especially for work with athletes. As I know you do, make sure to do your own research too. Keep inspiring!



  4. What is different you ask, Change… 🙂 hope you have a Happy New Year and the new year is all that you wish for it to be…. 🙂

    “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am looking into a trainer/health coach cert too. ACE seems to be pretty good. I think you have to get the trainer cert first, then can pursue health coach and other certifications. I just got my CRP w/AED and First Aid cert. That is needed to go for a trainer through ACE (and others).

        Happy New Year! Go after it! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Beth! I applaud your plan. It’s great. I too plan to add Life Coach to my arsenal of tools to help not only my clients, but myself. Check out the C.H.E.K. Institute too when you are researching the right place for you to receive your certification. It’s a great educational site. I have a couple of other certification I’m working on right now, but this one is on my 2019 to do list.

    Good luck and keep motivating people!
    Essential Flow Fitness


  6. Ahh… resolutions. 😑 😉I feel you as they seek to never stick. So seeing I cannot help to reflect, I have chosen only 2 to stick too.

    1. Post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Been totally inconsistent and putting out content everyday just isn’t realistic yet fir me. Crawl before you ball 🏀 ya’ll!

    2. Fitness first one the mornings. My me, selfish times. I need it and every time I put it off to the evenings, my laziness or some sort of important matter manages (because I let it) to get priority.

    That’s it. Just 2. Two I can commit to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great resolutions! I definitely can’t post every single day so I try to do it at least once a week. I need to work on that myself though and maybe push myself to twice a week.

      Working out in the morning always works best for me as well. I have the most energy and you are so right about my laziness kicking in around the evening time. If I can’t get my workout in when I wake up I push myself to do it at lunchtime.

      Best of luck with your resolutions and keep me posted on you are doing!!

      Happy New Year!! 😊✨

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Great post! I love your passion and your commitment to learning more. Getting my personal training and my nutrition certs were two of the best decisions I’ve made. I wish you alllllll the luck in 2019! We need more inspiration from people like you!

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  8. thanks for visiting my site. I have also dealt with cholesterol issues since college and was finally in good standing 10 years later. trick for me has been less sweets and fried stuff as well as carbs. you got the exercise down probably. good luck with the new year

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I had the same issue. he time off with nothing to do pushed me way off my regular daily routine. About half way through the break we started walking and getting up at our regular times and it made a HUGE difference.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah sticking to the same routine when you can definitely helps me as well. I enjoyed the holidays but I am also happy to be back to my normal routine now! Here’s to a happy and healthy new year!! 😊


  10. Hey! Great post.. especially seeing as I also could.not work out why I just wasn’t up for Xmas this year and about half way through I kept thinking that I just want it to go back to normal!
    Love your energy, and now I’m thinking about my goals too.. thanks X

    Liked by 1 person

  11. This was good to read today. Have a yucky cold at the moment and put on a few pounds over the holidays. Was planning on how to get back into normal routine myself when I read this. Spurring me on! Thanks!

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